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A Little About Us

Adoption House ZaZa started in 2000 when one woman rescued a German Shepherd, ZaZa. Their 12 year relationship sparked a passion for dog rescue resulting in Tamara helping hundreds of dogs and over 150 being homed. Living in Niš, Serbia, Tamara found these dogs everywhere, abandoned on the streets, dumped, left to starve, abused, injured or disabled. She often had puppies left on her doorstep in a box or found them tied up in a rubbish bag, discarded out in the cold. Many of the dogs have medical problems that make them no longer worthy of a life in a loving home, either the owners cant afford treatment or don't value the dogs life, so its thrown out, alone, vulnerable and desperate. Abuse is also common, and yes sometimes its sexual. Blind and disabled dogs have also found themselves in her care, if she can help a dog, there is no bounds to how far she will go in giving it the chance of a happy loving home. It's the reward for her work, what drives her commitment, the unconditional love they give in return.

Building a shelter


Tamara originally lived and worked in the town of Niš where she was able to go out and help abandoned dogs on the streets around her. Over time, the amount of dogs she cared for overwhelmed her home. So decided to move to the country, approx 14km out of Niš to the old family home in a small rural village. There they had land and outbuildings which could be adapted to accommodate Tamara and her ever growing pack.

Fundraising started and with the help of friends and supporters on Facebook, the money was raised to do the work. It took approx 18 months and now is near completion. 

There have been teething problems and ongoing jobs/repairs needed so money is always in demand.

There has also been some damage to the  shelter as some of the older residents in the village are very anti her being there. Tamara has an ongoing battle to maintain a safe haven for her dogs.

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